About Us

Get to know us better! Explore what Vessels of Compassion UK is about, what inspires us, our mission and objectives and what keeps us going.

Brief History of VOC

Following the stillbirth of their first child, Ruth, Helen knew she had to share the comfort she received from the Lord and others to help people move from a place of grief to a place of hope.

Vessels of Compassion UK  is a Christian charity specialising in providing spiritual, emotional and social support for people in grief, empower widows and help orphans through sowing seeds of compassion. The book of Ruth and James 1:27 are foundation scriptures that reminds us that “YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.”

Vessels of Compassion Relaunch


Our Mission is to care for People in Need and in Grief, provide supplemental education and mentorship to Young People whilst engaging the Church and Community in its support for the well-being of the Individual.


Our Vision therefore, is motivated by God’s love to enable the Individual to achieve a purposeful and meaningful life.

Our Basis of Faith

Vessels of Compassion Global believe and accept the revelation of the Triune God given in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and confess the faith of the Gospel therein set forth. We believe in the sovereignty and the love of God the Father, the grace God the Son and the fellowship of God the Holy Spirit in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgement of mankind.

Our Objectives

  • Organise seminars, workshops and conferences to empower individuals  to overcome grief and build a life of hope with meaning and purpose
  • Facilitate the promotion and provision of the essential spiritual, emotional, mental and social needs
  • Establish bereavement centres.
  • Provide telephone help-line for advice and pastoral counselling
  • Befriending through home visits
  • Contact and work with Churches and related organisations
  • Signpost and referrals

How we do it

  • Organise seminars, workshops and conference that will facilitate and promote holistic life style.
  • Improve corporate Identity through churches/related organisations to help provide support.
  • Source relevant information that is User led for the Widows.

Who uses VOC?

  • Our beneficiaries are persons in grief, women, widows and orphans who need spiritual, social, emotional support.

Funding Source

  • Members/Partners’ Contribution and fundraising.
  • Bereavement Consultancy seminars, workshops and presentations

Our Needs

  • Prayer, Professional/Skills  and financial support.

Are you in need of assistance or have questions?

Click the button below to fill out our contact form and also find our details of how to get in touch.